For me, change is interesting. It is the nature of our planet and the humans that inhabit it. Yet, most of us try to resist change in one way or another. We all know that there needs to be change in this world, but no one really knows what. Perhaps change is something too powerful to think of and best left at the hands of those who have control over our society.

When many of us want to do have a positive inpact, we think small and we think far. While there is nothing wrong with it, the starting point seems a little, opposite.

And what’s really interesting about modern times, is that so many turn to the internet to make that change. Liking a facebook page, making a comment on a blog, tweeting a youtube video, singing an online petition and the list goes on and on. Again, nothing wrong with that. Just what I believe in is that if we could turn things around a little bit from opposite to another way around.. we could utilise all these magnificent powers that we have in our hands.

I am still thinking about it myself. But I am pretty sure, that it’s better to look at the big picture first, inorder to get an understanding of things. To be able to make more counscious decisions. And, start from the people around you. Not just send off money somewhere to someone who is going to do something with it.

But of course I think that there needs to be that big impact as well, talking to your neighbour is no longer going to be enough. Starting point is just somehow crucial in order to getting things right.


Pieni Sieni