
  • Acrobatics Skills Needed

  • I love to watch all kinds of live shows, be it anything from opera to circus performance I am probably into it. Doesn’t mean that I would swallow any shit but it’s just something I get kicks from. I was especially impressed with an acrobatic performance in China, where the Beijing Acrobatic Troupe was busy making skillful feats that are designed to blow your mind. I think a lot of people know that China is famous for the acrobats, but really it is something unbelievable.

    The funny things is, that you kind of feel bad at the same time if you go to see these spectacles. Because once you see them with your own eyes, you understand how much work has been put into it. I recently even saw a documentary from BBC I believe, about the Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe which was pretty hard to watch. Everyone starts studying acrobatics when they are just a few years old, from then on your destiny has been pretty much decided. There is really no way to refuse at that point and the teaching is really strict and you might have guessed, even violent at times. It’s hardcore dicipline, Chinese style. There are many of these camps around China, where they cannot leave and have to practice every day military style.

    But then again, if you wouldn’t go and watch these shows.. maybe they couldn’t make a living anymore. And for sure, a person that has been conditioned to becoming an acrobatic for their life will not know what else to do if that one method for livelihood is taken away.

    When you go to Beijing, you kind of just have to accept that fact China needs acrobatic skill to keep their tourism business going. It has to be there, and you might as well “have to” enjoy it when you visit. For the best show performed by the world famous acrobatic troupe in Beijing, head on to Chaoyang Theatre. It’s like another world, that you have never seen before. Nothing like in LA, or Cirque du Soleil. Even though that is the show that it’s often compared to. I think the Chinese style is just something totally different. A little bit rustic, concentrated on pure skill and makes you go OMG every single time.

    Don’t belive me. Go and see for yourself!

    Chaoyang Theatre

    36 North East Third Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China


    Phone: (+86) 18612359093

    E-mail: tickets (at-sign)

    Enjoy, David Manly, //Pienisieni

  • Hungry For US iTunes Content Purchases

  • As someone who not just travels a lot, but lives in a lot of countries too and loves to download digital content over the internet, country restrictions can be a pain in the ass. I always have a VPN ready so that I can fake the IP address of most countries, which can help in anything from buying cheaper flight tickets to access free digital content over the internet. But when you need to make actual purchases, such sites are able to enforce these restrictions much better.

    Looking for ways around such restrictions, I found a brilliant solution to make an iTunes purchase outside US and circumvent the whole credit card ordeal. Back in the days, the only way you could actually make any purchases were by credit cards, but now we have many different options such as gift cards which I prefer in any case. What makes me wonder however, is that why the content has to be so much restricted when in the end it’s all about profit. With the English language speaking population now exceeding those of natives, obviously there is a lot of demmand to watch videos, listen to music, read books or just about anything that originates from the US, or from the UK as well. But now, internet freedom has had to pay a price for becoming much more regulated than in the pass. Sometimes the laws are made as we go, as some of the newer inventions of doing business online carries out totally new concepts.

    I am a big fan of documentaries, and a lot of them on iTunes are restricted to US only. That really sucks in my opinion, but now I finally have an easy method, and solution to get my fixed video doce from the United States for just a few extra dollars compared to when I would actually live in the states. Actually some states in America tax digital goods, and some not.. so this also enables you to choose a state that is tax free in that sense. For example California has absolutely no taxasion when it comes to buying music or downloading videos of the internet. Now hungry for even more, heh, heh.

    Knowledge is power, share the knowlege!


    David Manly “Pieni Sieni”.

  • Making a Change Online

  • For me, change is interesting. It is the nature of our planet and the humans that inhabit it. Yet, most of us try to resist change in one way or another. We all know that there needs to be change in this world, but no one really knows what. Perhaps change is something too powerful to think of and best left at the hands of those who have control over our society.

    When many of us want to do have a positive inpact, we think small and we think far. While there is nothing wrong with it, the starting point seems a little, opposite.

    And what’s really interesting about modern times, is that so many turn to the internet to make that change. Liking a facebook page, making a comment on a blog, tweeting a youtube video, singing an online petition and the list goes on and on. Again, nothing wrong with that. Just what I believe in is that if we could turn things around a little bit from opposite to another way around.. we could utilise all these magnificent powers that we have in our hands.

    I am still thinking about it myself. But I am pretty sure, that it’s better to look at the big picture first, inorder to get an understanding of things. To be able to make more counscious decisions. And, start from the people around you. Not just send off money somewhere to someone who is going to do something with it.

    But of course I think that there needs to be that big impact as well, talking to your neighbour is no longer going to be enough. Starting point is just somehow crucial in order to getting things right.


    Pieni Sieni

  • Welcome to the Space of Pienisieni!

  • Welcome to my humble homepage. ‘Pienisieni’ means small mushroom in Finnish, after all I do like mushrooms and I am Finnish. I am very happy to be able to host my site at one of the most amazing places on the web, the GitHub!

    However, this is more of a personal blog about things small and big, but most importantly things that matter for all of us in this world. Yes, there could be environmentalism, activism, some hippy stuff as well as it and programming. But best of all, I am not here to preach. I just want to spread the good word, facts and information that are often left not noticed.

    I’ll leave you with one of my favourite, personal quotes:

    “Step back, and look what you have done. And don’t forget to breath while your at it.”

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